Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G2 Banko Dhadhato FTO Washed - YCFCU (2018 Crop)
About This Coffee
This is a certified Fair Trade and Organic Grade 2 washed coffee from Banko Dhadhato Cooperative, a part of Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union. Founded in 2012, Banko Dhadhato currently has over 175 members, all producing different coffees in the region.
- Cup Score 84.75
- Region Banko Dhadhato
- Farm Name Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
- Wet Mill Banko Dhadhato
- Processing Washed
- Bag Type Grain Pro / Ecotact
- Plant Species Arabica
- On Sale No
- Top Lot No
- Status Spot
- Certifications Fair Trade, Fair Trade Organic, Organic
- Coffee Grade ETH CA WA YIRG G2
- CTRM Contract Number P601050-1
- Country of Origin Ethiopia
- Warehouse Seaforth