Uganda Decaf FTO - Bokonzo Swiss Water Process
About This Coffee

History of Coffee in Uganda
While the commercial cultivation of coffee is defined by geopolitical boundaries, the wild coffees of East Africa do not recognize borders. Indigenous Robusta once grew wild in such abundance in DR Congo that “Congo” was at one time the nickname for all Robusta, no matter where it was grown; but the moniker could just as easily have been Uganda, where Robusta is also indigenous and still grows wild in the region around Lake Victoria. Commercial cultivation began early in the 20th century and grew quickly. Only 250 bags were exported in 1909. By 1918, exports had reached 75,000 bags. Like coffee in much of post-colonial Africa, coffee production in Uganda struggled with disease, disruption, and dictatorship for the last half of the 20th century, but exports have been relatively stable in recent decades and Arabica production has increased. In 2020, coffee exports exceeded 5 million bags for the first time.

Growing Coffee in Uganda
In Uganda, most coffee is often grown under shade and intercropped with banana, beans, and peanuts in highland regions in volcanic soils. Traditionally, smallholders grow on less than 2.5 hectares, using natural processing to dry coffee cherries in very small spaces around their homes. Gradually, semi-washed processing has been introduced and some fully-washed coffees have become available recently.
- Region Rwenzori
- Farm Name Various smallholders
- Producer Type Cooperative
- Processing Washed
- Bag Type Grain Pro / Ecotact
- Plant Species Arabica
- Variety SL14, SL28, Nyasaland
- Min Growing Altitude 1400m
- Max Growing Altitude 1900m
- Co-Op Bukonzo Organic Farmers Co-operative Union
- On Sale No
- Top Lot No
- Status Spot
- Certifications FLO Fairtrade Certified, Organic certified
- Coffee Grade UGA CA FW SPL
- CTRM Contract Number P611390-1
- Country of Origin Uganda
- Warehouse The Annex CA