Papua New Guinea - Kuta Mill A

Agave, chocolate syrup, heavy body, apple pie
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Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Harvest Season 2023/24
Status Spot
Lot Number P612393-1
  • 99 Bag(s)
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About This Coffee

This is a washed A grade coffee comprised of harvests from multiple small plantations on the Kuta Ridge in the Waghi valley of Papua New Guinea's Western Highlands. Growing altitude is around 1,585 meters and milling takes place at the Kuta Coffee Mill. Operating alongside a collaboration between traditional rivals, the Ulga and Kolga tribes, Kuta Mill pays bonuses to farmers who deliver quality cherries consistently. 

Country of Origin Papua New Guinea
Region Waghi Valley, Western Highlands
Producer Type Small Holder Farmers
Farm Name Various producers
Wet Mill Kuta Mill
Processing Washed
Growing Altitude 1550m
Harvest Season 2023/24
Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Bag Type Grain Pro / Ecotact
Plant Species Arabica
Variety Arusha, Blue Mountain, Bourbon, Typica

History of Coffee in Papua New Guinea

Compared to the speed with which Europeans colonized other parts of the world, they seemed to spill over Oceania in slow motion. So, although the highlands of PNG are textbook coffee land, commercial coffee production was not established until 1928. In typical British colonial style, coffee was initially grown on plantations (though atypically planted with Blue Mountain from Jamaica). The history of colonial New Guinea mirrors that of central Africa. Feeling left out of the general expansionist trend, Germany grabbed a portion of northern New Guinea in the late 1800’s and then lost it during WWI. The Japanese invaded PNG during WWII and the island saw fierce fighting for much of the war. For most of the 20th century, administrative responsibility for PNG and its ever evolving configuration (and name) rested with Australia. 

Growing Coffee in Papua New Guinea

Although PNG has often produced more than 1 million bags of coffee annually, the average has dropped below 1 million over the last 10 years. The vast majority of coffee in PNG (95%) is grown in the highland regions near the center of the country. These coffee exhibit the heavy body characteristic of this part of the world along with the savory sweet flavors. Coffee from PNG is graded using a unique matrix that reflects not only screen size but bean shape, defect count, and color in addition to aroma and cup quality with A/X, being the highest quality available. 

  • Region Waghi Valley, Western Highlands
  • Farm Name Various producers
  • Producer Type Small Holder Farmers
  • Wet Mill Kuta Mill
  • Processing Washed
  • Bag Type Grain Pro / Ecotact
  • Plant Species Arabica
  • Variety Arusha, Blue Mountain, Bourbon, Typica
  • Min Growing Altitude 1550m
  • On Sale No
  • Top Lot Yes
  • Status Spot
  • Coffee Grade PNG CA WA A
  • CTRM Contract Number P612393-1
  • Country of Origin Papua New Guinea
  • Warehouse Continental NJ