Guatemala Huehuetenango Tectictan - Gonzalo Juan Chavez Lot 2

Green apple, cranberry juice, clementine, caramel, juicy
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Bag Weight 69 KG BAG
Harvest Season 2023/24
Status Spot
Lot Number P612414-6
  • Out of Stock Bag(s)
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About This Coffee

Gonzalo Juan Chávez Escalante has been devoted to coffee farming for 14 years, cultivating his 0.44-hectare farm, La Sombra, in the picturesque township of Tectitan, located in Sacchumba, Huehuetenango. His journey into coffee farming began modestly, with a few coffee plants near his home. Over the years, Gonzalo has significantly improved his farm through technical advice on coffee management, learning various methods to enhance the quality and yield of his coffee. Supported by family members, Gonzalo named his farm "La Sombra" due to its proximity to forested areas, reflecting the farm’s integration with the natural landscape. He values the benefits that coffee production brings, not only for his family but also for the broader community.

Country of Origin Guatemala
Region Sacchumba, Tectitan, Huehuetenango.
Producer Type Single Estate
Farm Name La Sombra
Processing Washed
Processing Description 48hr fermentation, sun-dried on patios
Growing Altitude 2100m
Harvest Season 2023/24
Bag Weight 69 KG BAG
Bag Type Grain Pro / Ecotact
Plant Species Arabica
Variety Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra

History of Coffee in Guatemala

Although coffee was brought over from the Caribbean in the mid-18th century by Jesuit priests, it was used primarily as an ornamental plant and garden crop for 100 years in Guatemala. Coffee wasn’t widely traded, however, until commercial production began in the 1850s. The volcanic soil and various micro-climates proved ideal for growing coffee in Guatemala. Coffee, within a generation, became the country’s most important crop. In 1860, Guatemala exported 140,000 pounds of coffee, and just 25 years later, the country was exporting over 40 million pounds. Large numbers of coffee farmers were German immigrants responsible for many inventions and innovations related to coffee milling. Most of Guatemala’s coffee was exported to Germany until the First World War, when exports shifted to the United States.

Growing Coffee in Guatemala

Coffee farming practices are similar to other countries in the region, but Guatemala has an abundance of water, volcanic soil, and very distinct micro-climates compared to its neighbors. Although late to coffee, Guatemala recognized and responded to the needs of the emerging specialty coffee sector earlier than most coffee-producing regions. Anacafé, the coffee producers association in Guatemala, identifies seven growing regions: Fraijanes, the plateau south of Guatemala City; Coban, a rainforest region in the center of the country; Huehuetenango, highlands near the border with Mexico; Atitlan, primarily the volcanic mountains on the Pacific side of Lake Atitlan; San Marcos, between Huehuetenango and the Pacific Ocean; Oriente, the driest of the growing regions located near the eastern border with Honduras; and the most famous of all, Antigua, nestled among the volcanoes an hour’s drive southwest of Guatemala City.

  • Region Sacchumba, Tectitan, Huehuetenango.
  • Farm Name La Sombra
  • Producer Type Single Estate
  • Processing Washed
  • Processing Description 48hr fermentation, sun-dried on patios
  • Bag Type Grain Pro / Ecotact
  • Plant Species Arabica
  • Variety Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra
  • Min Growing Altitude 2100m
  • On Sale No
  • Top Lot Yes
  • Status Spot
  • Coffee Grade GTM CA WA SHB HH
  • CTRM Contract Number P612414-6
  • Country of Origin Guatemala
  • Warehouse Continental NJ